Reflections: Life at the moment...
Everything seems to be going very smoothly for the time being. I'm feeling a little on edge, but I think that's just because of the number of things I have to keep straight all at once. I got a call from Cornell yesterday and set up a phone interview for Monday, which is the last step in applying to their internship. Then all my other applications are due Wednesday, so I'm going to spend this Saturday working on them---and probably some of Sunday too, even though it is the Super Bowl. After that my future is out of my hands until April 5th. I'm super excited for the days, weeks, and months ahead of me. I've seen such a change in myself this year compared to years past. These days it seems that even when everything is hectic it's never too much. The only thing I'm responsible for is myself, and lets face it, that's a pretty easy thing to be responsible for. My decisions effect my future, and mine alone and that makes it much easier to be comfort...