Year In Review: 2009

Will you be looking for a new job? Yep

Will you be looking for a new relationship? Maybe

New house? Yep, I'll be leaving Kalamazoo!!!

What will you do different in 2010? I think I'll go out more...

New Years resolution? Finish my internship applications...haha

What will you not be doing in 2010? Ummm...hopefully I won't be living in Michigan.

Any trips planned? Not at the moment

Wedding plans? Nope...:)

What's on your calendar? Classes starting, day my intern apps are due, day I find out if I get an internship, my graduation from college...

What can't you wait for? Graduation!!!

What would you like to see happen different? I don't know, honestly

What about yourself will you be changing? Hopefully I'll continue to mature...maybe

What happened in '09 that you didn't think would ever happen? Meeting my new boy!

Will you be nicer to the people you care about? I would like to be

Will you dress differently this year than you did in '09? depends, I think I'm finally comfortable with the way I dress

Are you going to be in school in 2010? Yep

How will you make more money in 2010? I have no idea..with the internship I'll be lucky if I make the same amount

Will you do charity work? Doubt it...I'm not expecting to have much time

Are you going to drink on New Years Eve? Yes I am...:)

Will you be nice to people you don't know? As nice as they are to me...

Do you expect 2010 to be a worse year for you than 2009? No...I expect it to be much better

How much did you change from this time last year til now? Oh my goodness, I changed so much...but I knew I would cause this time last year I was going through a lot of tough stuff that really changed my outlook on life

Do you plan on having a child? Can't say I plan on it..

Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? Hopefully I'll be friends with most of them...

Major lifestyle changes? Living away from my parents

Will you be moving? Yeps...don't know where yet

What will you make sure doesn't happen in 2010 that happened in 09? Ummm...sleeping with the ex??

What are your New Years Eve plans? Going out with my best friend in PA!! :)

Will you have someone to kiss at midnight? I doubt it...but I'm ok with that

Wishes for 2010: Really my only wish now has to do with a certain boy....and the wish is that he sticks around for a little...;)

I know this is a little early since it's not New Years yet...but this is about the same time I filled it out last year. Anyway, hears to 2010...and Merry Christmas for the time being!!!!


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